Works below are in exhibition at Sparks Gallery San Diego, CA.

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Why Alice in Wonderland?  This was a formative story for me both through the text Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (or originally “in Under Ground”) by Lewis Carroll, and the original animation by the Walt Disney Corporation.  My works are truer to the text, and omit Disney additions to the story despite their importance to the overall cultural understanding of the work.

  A major part of its draw, to me, is the philosophical underpinnings in a nonsensical story.  The absurd events reflect the very real happenings in day-to-day life, particularly in societal structures and assumptions.

  Another essential item is the apparent as-sexual/unisex character presentation, and is the first female character that I (a he/him) personally identified with, empathized their fear, frustration, and dissociation from their identity.

  I use Alice as a contrite to describe human the experiences of being overwhelmed, without agency, discomfort, alienation and more.  Alice’s journey is a quest for reason and for self.